This conference is special because it is put together with close collaboration between growers and Extension from across the region. The steering committee gathers the best speakers from within our region and across the country to tell you about the latest innovations and advances in the fruit and vegetable industry. Almost every session includes both farmers and research or extension personnel, so you are getting the “best of both worlds.”
There is also an extensive Trade Show with over 120 exhibitors. We hope that you will enjoy your time here, and meet with fellow growers, advisors, researchers, and industry representatives. We want you to leave with new ideas and new information that will have a positive impact on your farm.
Steering Committee
The NEVFC Steering Committee is made up of a dedicated group of extension professionals, farmers, industry representatives, and leaders of the New England Vegetable & Berry Grower’s Association and the Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association.

Steering Committee
General Chair
Susan Scheufele, UMass
Program Chair
David T. Handley, UMaine
Olivia Saunders, UNH
Shuresh Ghimire, UConn
Christopher Grant, NEVBGA
Trade Show Manager
Chris Howard, UMaine
Local Arrangements
Olivia Saunders, UNH
Pesticide Recertification
Heather Bryant, UNH
Ann Hazelrigg, UVM
CCA/CEU Recertification
Jason Lilley, UMaine
Liz Garofalo, UMass
Farmer to Farmer
Sandy Arnold, Pleasant Valley Farm, NY
Media Specialist
Robert Arnold, Smart Farm Innovations, NY
Christopher Grant, NEVBGA
Local Foods Coordinator
Andre Cantelmo, Heron Pond Farm, NH
Mark Hutton, UMaine
Members At-Large & Moderators
Robert Arnold, NY Grower
Sandy Arnold, NY Grower
Christa Bahner, ME Grower
Harrison Bardwell, MA Grower
Michael Basedow, Cornell
Bob Paine, RI Grower
Heather Bryant, UNH
Chelcie Martin, MA Fruit Grower’s Association
Jeremy Delisle, UNH
Heather Faubert, URI
Caleb Goossen, MOFGA
Liz Garofalo, UMass
David Handley, UMaine
Trevor Hardy, NH
Ann Hazelrigg, UVM
Elisabeth Hodgdon, Cornell
Mark Hutton, UMaine
Tori Lee Jackson, UMaine
Evan Lentz, UConn
Jason Lilley, UMaine
Becky Maden, UVM
Lisa McKeag, UMass
Olivia Saunders, UNH
Susan Scheufele, UMass
Michaele Williams, Grower, CT
Tom Stevenson, ME Grower
Jessica Vila, NY Grower
Peyton Ginakes, UMaine, Moderator
David Weisberger, URI
History of the Conference

The idea for the original ‘New England Vegetable Growers Conference was conceived by Alden Miller, Dom Marini, John Howell, Jr. and Otho Wells at a Northeast American Society of Horticultural Science Meeting at UMass in January of 1978. It would be patterned after the New England Greenhouse Conference and be held in odd-numbered years while the Greenhouse Conference was held in even-numbered years. Additional planning took place at a gathering of New England Extension Vegetable Specialists and Agents in Worcester, MA in December of 1978 to discuss individual state programs, research efforts, and the possibility of hosting a vegetable convention. Clark Nicklow (UMass) was “elected” as the first General Chairman and Exhibit Manager because of his previous experience in the genesis of the Great Lakes Vegetable Expo in Michigan. Otho Wells (UNH) served as the first Program Chairman, Alden Miller (UMass) was in charge of Publicity, and Richard Ashley (UConn) and Wilfred Erhardt (UMaine) were Registration Co-Chairmen.
Other members of the Steering Committee included: Edward Bouton and Theodore Flanagan (UVM); Perley Colby (UNH); Walter Laramie (URI); and John Howell, Jr., Dominic Marini and Robert Precheur (UMass).
The New England Vegetable and Berry Growers’ Association (NEV&BGA) agreed to back the convention financially in the event that it lost money. Any proceeds were to be split between the Association and the Steering Committee, which used its share as seed money for the next convention.
The first convention was held December 11-13, 1979, at the Sheraton Inn (now the Holiday Inn), off Route 495, in Boxboro, Massachusetts. It consisted of a general session, breakout sessions on specific topics, an evening banquet, Proceedings, and a trade show with 78 exhibits. Over 1,000 people attended. The convention was held every other year through 1987.
We value your feedback on the conference, and we use your comments and suggestions to plan the program. Please fill out an evaluation form before you leave!
NEVF Conference Proudly Sponsored by
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